This agreement will benefit both the label and developers alike. Developers, for its part, will have access to Island Def Jam catalogue and register, if you create an application using the echo nest API. Island Def Jam (IDJ) is a division of Universal Music Group.
If the developer signs use the echo nest API, he or she will also have access to music from a catalog without having to request signature IDJ permission. The developer must do all agree with the terms of service, to be able to create any app — no licensing costs.
As part of this agreement, the label is the Publisher of the application, giving it control over distribution and made privy to a portion of the proceeds (the rest goes to the dev and echo nest). In turn, IDJ will market publishers music app and payment if necessary.
In fact it removes the barrier to entry that many developers got involved when they try to get a license for the music (it's difficult and expensive). "We are very excited to streamline the process and to inspire creativity," said Jon Vanhala, Senior Vice President of digital at IDJ.
Jim Lucchese, CEO, ECHO nest, said he hopes this will change as partnership produces music apps from developers in the role of employment for creating applications for artists. He equates the developers session musicians, parallelization devs with access to the catalog and IDJ echo nest APIS to ranges — i.e., true artists, rather than hired hands.
"We are setting up a framework for improvisation. … We believe that developers come up with better material than we could mandate, "said Vanhala, adding that promotional tools, such as traditional group Web site is no longer an intriguing consumers. "You want to save the people dance."
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