Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Small businesses are missing great opportunities for Web traffic

Corporate Web site is updated more than once a week? It is integrated with social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter?

These may seem like a rather fundamental matters, the obvious here, but the number of small businesses do not zaskakującym often update their sites or utilizing social media, as could be. Cost? Lots of traffic.

Four of the fifty percent of small businesses to update their sites, less than, less than once a month, according to an analysis of the use of SMB Web site, issued by SiteKreator site creation tool, drag and drop for companies.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

LinkedIn is releasing a video series for small business

Professional social networking site LinkedIn has published videos introducing the retro small enterprises to the site and has to offer for business users.

LinkedIn on a timeless Guide to small business success is edited with simulated vibe TV commercial of the 1980s, together with the Rainbow, early 1980s computer graphics and old school Apple II computer desktop style.

A series of films, which has been produced by the video editor in the upright citizens Brigade Rob Getzchman, was done in the style of the humorous, glass, because, as explained in the blog post, "the average office worker only view screenshot tutorial for a few seconds before the start of spontaneous narkolepsji." The series is sponsored by FedEx.

See also small companies to hire more exploration for mobile developers showcase their skills and analyze which skills are of LinkedIn by testování new SMB Tech Roundup: Google cloud Print, LinkedIn buys CardMunch and learn more about Adwords and unlock coupons from Google's commitment to the Agency's Tweet

Monday, April 11, 2011

70% of local companies to use Facebook for marketing

With little time and money to local small businesses are increasingly turning to free and low-cost social media tools for marketing. No wonder the world's largest social networking site tops the list of preferred tools.

Seventy percent of local companies using Facebook for marketing, according to a new report from the Merchant, the network of the U.S. local business owners. This represents an increase of 20% over the previous year.

The report concludes that for the first time, Facebook is used more than a Google local business online marketing.

Facebook also seems to be a benefit check location in space, with 32% of small businesses, saying: use of functions, compared with only 9%, which tried to Foursquare.

This new data is the same as the group buying site, ChompOn, disclosed its own data showing that Facebook updates are three times more effective than tweets about getting consumers to make purchases online.

Nearly 40% of the respondents to the survey to Merchant Circle said they used Twitter for marketing, marketing microblogging site, Facebook, and Google.

Increased use of social marketing for small enterprises should come as no surprise, given the very great acceptance of the popular social networks and low costs-often non-existent-for their use. Web marketing companies typically have also been New local companies about 51% of whom say that are called cold about marketing online services at least once a week.

Test Merchant Circle is based on random 8,456 small business owners in the United States.

See also bridging Marketing Online and Offline with StickerYou the first ever "small enterprises Saturday" momentum gains Online SMB Tech Roundup: Facebook Email, Google voice business and more track (i) marketing and ROI with the MyNextCustomer Tweet

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Google gives advice on handling the search rank penalties

Some recent stories in The New York Times highlighted the questionable SEO practices-"dirty little secrets," as it under the title of his recent expose. In response, the ReadWriteWeb by John Paul Titlow wrote last week, "Why you should avoid black hat SEO Link systems at all of us." And actually, they should be.

But what do I do if the site is marked as spam (fairly or not)? What, if anything, can you do if your Web site have been the situation by Google?

Google search engineer Matt Cutts has posted his advice in the YouTube video that addresses how you can waive the penalty in the case of Web sites.

Cutts explains the difference between manual and algorithmic Visual penalties. They were a response to the reports submitted to the Google-flagged as spam, porn sites or off topic. But that data is also used to help improve Google Engineers, in the form of classifiers for spam content and keyword stuffing the search algorithm.

Large if the site I flagged by the penalties for the algorithm, if you change your website (move illegal aspects) and the site the user will be recrawled. Your Rankings should improve.

Cutts manual describes the flag as "timeouts". Such penalties shall last for some time-length depending on the seriousness of the misconduct of the user-but ultimately, they expire and the site should be able to improve its ranking again.

You can file a reconsideration request, which should help accelerate the removal of manual penalties. But this will not help if this is the question of the need to make the necessary changes to your website.

See also why you should avoid black hat SEO Link systems at all the burden on the track (i) marketing and ROI with the MyNextCustomer Google gets C-from the Better Business Bureau of Instant Google will impact SEO? Tweet

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Optimizing your website with Overstat

Web site checks is important, but too often it is simply not the case. The reason you can include the cost, Convenience, technical resources — a name. However, today, when you run the scenic wants to take away these excuses and testing of your website-and, of course, the optimization of your Web site-extremely simple.

Overstat has many competitors in the area of optimization of Y Combinator Alum Optimizely. But Overstat the presentation today at startup will look as if the simple installation (just some JavaScript) and identify problems both interface and upgrade.

Overstat uses a heat Map to determine when the users are (or key) to help you identify buttons and links may need to be addressed.

Judges start seemed to like Overstat, and few of them have chosen to run as one of its Favorites from the first round of presentations this morning. And one quipped that perhaps we can merge with YouEye.

See also the eye tracking & user research made easy with YouEye automatically speed up your website with the Tweet Torbit

Friday, April 8, 2011

Collaborate in real time via the iPhone or desktop with Sazneo

Sazneo, Web applications, collaborate in real time, has launched a mobile friendly version for the iPhone, allowing team members to stay in touch while on the go.

Sazneo is a relatively new group chat app, which allows companies to break down the conversation on different channels, which may include team members, as well as persons outside the organization. Within each of the channels of IRC there is repository uploads, so team members can easily exchange documents, graphics and other files.

It offers very granular control of who see and participate in the flow of chat. The application also supports private email, instant messages. Conversation, which are no longer active, you can close and export to HTML for secure archiving.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New target launch "Make document sexy" with Crowdsourced design

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Map your friends Facebook in few clicks

You know who your Facebook friends, but you can visualize where they are? You may be surprised when you see "where are my friends to be" Google Maps mashup with all their locations identified, showing how far away your friends really are.

We've seen other Facebook/Google Maps mashups before, but this is no different from other friend radio operators. It's fast, it only takes a few seconds click in, and suddenly she dropping little contacts around the world, showing you exactly where your buddies. Says one of its developers, Ajay Mehta:

"Amazingly, there are not many applications like this. There are a few that were very weak and eventually cancelled years ago. They did this visual or, most lame loading bar or something similar and comparison of laggy/slow. We have friends pop on the map in a cool, Interactive way (which was the hardest part to hack together). "

Mehta, researcher, College Freshmen Wesley Zhao and Dan shipper developed mashup that gives you a quick way to remind yourself that you're not in Kansas anymore, and are not your friends. Unless of course you all live in Kansas.

These infectious enthusiasm a frosh. Future Zuckerbergs?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Motorola Xoom now available at Verizon

As previously announced by Motorola Xoom now available for purchase on Verizon. Later today, customers who pre-ordered the device will be able to pick them up at best buy stores.

Without contract Xoom is a hefty $ 799 for both companies; If you're ready to sign a 24-month contract with Verizon, the price drops to $ 599.

This is an important event because Xoom – first tablet company Android 3.0 (aka honeycombs), branch Android created specifically for tablets.

While tablets, powered by earlier versions of Android, such as the 7-inch Samsung Galaxy or Dell Streak tab, have had some success in the market, Google has always been pretty clear about the fact that Android 2.2 (Froyo) and 3 (cookies) are best suited to smartphones and tablets.

Honeycomb, on the other hand, should help Android tablets to realize their potential and become a serious alternative to Apple's iPad version. Of course we will find what Apple thinks everything 2 March when the company plans to make announcements about the iPad 2.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

The Apple Store down is the new MacBook Pros on the way?

After weeks of speculation and some seemingly genuine leaks on new MacBook Pros that were rumored to start today at the Apple Store is currently down.

"We are busy updating the repository for you and will be back soon," reads the Apple Store Home page.

We will monitor closely for any changes to the repository; If Apple starts with an update to its current line of MacBook Pro, this is what you can expect: Sandy Bridge architecture, faster memory, SDXC slot and Thunderbolt/mini DisplayPort, meaning that it is a display port and high-speed connection to i/o port. Stay with us.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Julian Assange loses the case must be extradited to Sweden

Verdict Julian Assange extradition hearing, and the news isn't good for the founder of WikiLeaks. He lost the case and is planned to be extradited to Sweden in 10 days. Assange has seven days to appeal.

Assange was charged with sexual assault two women he met in Sweden during a mission in August 2010. Although initially were acquitted of rape case was reopened later, and the Court of Appeal upheld the original charges.

In December of 2010 Assange surrendered to police and was arrested in London, where he was fighting a legal battle against extradition in Sweden.

Assange arrest is just one of many problems for WikiLeaks and its founder. Since he started releasing secret Embassy cables, website WikiLeaks has been the victim of DDoS attacks and several companies including Amazon, PayPal and its DNS service provider,, deny WikiLeaks.

The full decision can be found here.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Syncapse scores $ 25 million for a full-service social media management

Syncapse Corp., platform, social media, enterprise-class, announced Thursday that it had received $ 25 million in financing from solo investor ABS Capital Partners, a solid late-stage growth equity. To date, Syncapse raises more than $ 30 million since its founding in 2007.

The range of firms social media Syncapse sits on top of the food chain. The company seeks to work with global enterprises with between $ 25 000 to $ 50000 to spare each month for full-service technical and business assistance using Syncapse platform for building, manage and measure social media campaigns and profiles across multiple sites.

Syncapse, which competes with the likes of Vitrue and buddy media currently works with BlackBerry, Electronic Arts and several unnamed large packaged CONSUMER GOODS and drinks company, according to founder and CEO Michael Scissons.

Scissons thinks of Syncapse in approach to space as little different from and Grander than social CRM — potentially market $ 1 billion, according to Gartner. "This is a hybrid content management, asset management, social CRM, measurement and analytics," he says.

Post finance, Syncapse next order of business will add to its team of 150 people. To this end, the launch will soon announce that Stephen England-Hall, CEO of Kjell is on the United Kingdom, will be joining Syncapse, to help build out his team Great Britain.

"We mainly use it

Friday, April 1, 2011

New MacBook Pros have faster processors, zipper and HD camera

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