We've seen other Facebook/Google Maps mashups before, but this is no different from other friend radio operators. It's fast, it only takes a few seconds click in, and suddenly she dropping little contacts around the world, showing you exactly where your buddies. Says one of its developers, Ajay Mehta:
"Amazingly, there are not many applications like this. There are a few that were very weak and eventually cancelled years ago. They did this visual or, most lame loading bar or something similar and comparison of laggy/slow. We have friends pop on the map in a cool, Interactive way (which was the hardest part to hack together). "
Mehta, researcher, College Freshmen Wesley Zhao and Dan shipper developed mashup that gives you a quick way to remind yourself that you're not in Kansas anymore, and are not your friends. Unless of course you all live in Kansas.
These infectious enthusiasm a frosh. Future Zuckerbergs?
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